Adjectives that Start with N! In this article, we will learn a list of common adjectives that start with N in English with ESL picture and example sentences to help you enhance your vocabulary words.
Table of Contents
Adjectives that Start with N
- Nacreous
- Nagging
- Naiant
- Naif
- Naive
- Naked
- Nameless
- Namibian
- Nanocephalic
- Napoleonic
- Nappy
- Narcissistic
- Narcoleptic
- Narcotic
- Narcotising
- Narcotized
- Narcotizing
- Narial
- Narrative
- Narrow
- Narrow-Bodied
- Narrow-Minded
- Nary
- Nasal
- Nascent
- Nasopharyngeal
- Nasty
- Natal
- National
- Nationalist
- Nationalistic
- Nationwide
- Native
- Nativist
- Nativistic
- Natriuretic
- Natty
- Natural
- Naturalistic
- Naturistic
- Naughty
- Nauruan
- Nauseated
- Nauseating
- Nauseous
- Nautical
- Naval
- Navicular
- Navigable
- Navy-Blue
- Nazarene
- Nazi
- Neandertal
- Neanderthal
- Neanderthalian
- Neapolitan
- Near
- Nearby
- Nearsighted
- Neat
- Nebular
- Nebulose
- Nebulous
- Necessary
- Necessitous
- Neck-Deep
- Neckless
- Necklike
- Necromantical
- Nectariferous
- Nectarous
- Nee
- Needed
- Needful
- Needlelike
- Needless
- Needy
- Nefarious
- Negative
- Neglected
- Neglectful
- Negligent
- Negligible
- Negotiable
- Negro
- Neighboring
- Neighborly
- Neighbourly
- Neither
- Neo
- Neoclassic
- Neocortical
- Neoliberal
- Neolithic
- Neonatal
- Neoplastic
- Neotenic
- Neotenous
- Neoteric
- Nepalese
- Nepali
- Nephritic
- Nephrotoxic
- Nerdy
- Neritic
- Nerveless
- Nervous
- Nervy
- Nescient
- Nestorian
- Net
- Nether
- Nethermost
- Netlike
- Nett
- Netted
- Nettlesome
- Networklike
- Neural
- Neuralgic
- Neurasthenic
- Neuroanatomic
- Neurobiological
- Neuroendocrine
- Neurogenic
- Neuroglial
- Neurologic
- Neurological
- Neuromatous
- Neuromotor
- Neuromuscular
- Neuronal
- Neuronic
- Neurotic
- Neurotropic
- Neuter
- Neutral
- Never-Ending
- Never-failing
- New
- Newborn
- Newfangled
- Newfound
- Newsworthy
- Newtonian
- Next
- Nibbed
- Nicaean
- Nicaraguan
- Nice
- Nicene
- Nidicolous
- Nidifugous
- Niffy
- Nifty
- Nigerian
- Nigerien
- Niggling
- Nigh
- Nighted
- Nightlong
- Nightly
- Nightmarish
- Nihilistic
- Nilotic
- Nilpotent
- Nimble
- Nimble-Minded
- Nipponese
- Nippy
- Nisi
- Nitid
- Nitric
- Nitwitted
- Noachian
- Nobby
- Noble
- Nocent
- Nociceptive
- Noctilucent
- Nocturnal
- Nodular
- Nodulated
- Noduled
- Nodulose
- Noetic
- No-Frills
- Noiseless
- Noisome
- Noisy
- Nomadic
- Nominal
- Nominalistic
- Nominated
- Nominative
- Nomothetic
- Nonabrasive
- Nonabsorbent
- Nonabsorptive
- Nonadaptive
- Nonaddictive
- Nonadhesive
- Nonadjacent
- Nonadsorbent
- Nonadsorptive
- Nonaged
- Nonagenarian
- Nonaggressive
- Non-Aggressive
- Nonalcoholic
- Nonaligned
- Nonappointive
- Nonarbitrable
- Nonarbitrary
- Nonarboreal
- Nonassertive
- Nonassociative
- Nonastringent
- Nonautonomous
- Nonbearing
- Nonbelligerent
- Noncaloric
- Noncarbonated
- Noncausal
- Noncausative
- Noncellular
- Nonchalant
- Nonchristian
- Nonchurchgoing
- Noncivilized
- Nonclassical
- Noncollapsable
- Noncollapsible
- Noncolumned
- Noncombatant
- Noncombinative
- Noncombining
- Noncombustible
- Noncommercial
- Noncommissioned
- Noncommittal
- Noncommunicable
- Noncompetitive
- Noncompliant
- Noncomprehensive
- Nonconcentric
- Nonconducting
- Nonconductive
- Nonconforming
- Nonconformist
- Nonconscious
- Nonconsecutive
- Noncontagious
- Noncontentious
- Noncontinuous
- Noncontroversial
- Nonconvergent
- Noncritical
- Noncrucial
- Noncrystalline
- Noncurrent
- Noncyclic
- Noncyclical
- Nondeductible
- Nondenominational
- Nondescript
- Nondestructive
- Nondigestible
- Nondisposable
- None
- Nonechoic
- Noneffervescent
- Nonelected
- Nonelective
- Nonenterprising
- Nonenzymatic
- Nonequivalent
- Nonessential
- Nonexclusive
- Nonexempt
- Nonexistent
- Nonexplorative
- Nonexploratory
- Nonexplosive
- Nonextant
- Nonextensile
- Nonfat
- Nonfatal
- Nonfictional
- Nonfigurative
- Nonfinancial
- Nonfissile
- Nonfissionable
- Nonflammable
- Nonflavored
- Nonflavoured
- Nonflowering
- Nonfunctional
- Nonglutinous
- Nongranular
- Nongregarious
- Nonhairy
- Nonharmonic
- Nonhereditary
- Nonheritable
- Nonhierarchic
- Nonhierarchical
- Nonhuman
- Nonimitative
- Nonimmune
- Nonindulgent
- Nonindustrial
- Noninfectious
- Noninflammatory
- Noninheritable
- Noninstitutional
- Noninstitutionalized
- Nonintegrated
- Nonintellectual
- Noninterchangeable
- Nonintersecting
- Noninvasive
- Nonionic
- Nonionized
- Nonjudgmental
- Nonkosher
- Nonleaded
- Nonlegal
- Nonlethal
- Nonlexical
- Nonlinear
- Nonlinguistic
- Nonliteral
- Nonliterary
- Nonliterate
- Nonliving
- Nonmagnetic
- Nonmandatory
- Nonmaterial
- Nonmeaningful
- Nonmechanical
- Nonmechanistic
- Nonmedicinal
- Nonmetal
- Nonmetallic
- Nonmetamorphic
- Nonmigratory
- Nonmilitary
- Nonmodern
- Nonmonotonic
- Nonmotile
- Nonmoving
- Nonmusical
- Nonnative
- Nonnatural
- Nonnegative
- Nonnegotiable
- Nonnomadic
- Nonnormative
- Nonobjective
- Nonobligatory
- Nonobservant
- No-Nonsense
- Nonopening
- Nonoperational
- Nonoscillatory
- Nonparallel
- Nonparametric
- Nonparasitic
- Nonpareil
- Nonparticulate
- Nonpartisan
- Nonpartizan
- Nonpasserine
- Nonperiodic
- Nonpersonal
- Nonphotosynthetic
- Nonphysical
- Nonplussed
- Nonpoisonous
- Nonpolar
- Nonpolitical
- Nonporous
- Nonpregnant
- Nonprehensile
- Nonprescription
- Nonproductive
- Nonprofessional
- Nonprofit
- Nonprognosticative
- Nonprogressive
- Nonproprietary
- Nonprotractile
- Nonpsychoactive
- Nonpublic
- Nonpurulent
- Nonracial
- Nonracist
- Nonradioactive
- Nonrandom
- Nonrational
- Nonreciprocal
- Nonreciprocating
- Nonrecreational
- Nonreflecting
- Nonreflective
- Nonrefundable
- Nonrenewable
- Nonrepetitive
- Nonrepresentative
- Nonresident
- Nonresidential
- Nonresilient
- Nonresinous
- Nonresiny
- Nonresistant
- Nonresonant
- Non-Responsive
- Nonrestrictive
- Nonreticulate
- Nonretractable
- Nonretractile
- Nonreturnable
- Non-Returnable
- Nonreversible
- Nonrhythmic
- Nonrigid
- Nonruminant
- Nonsectarian
- Nonsegmental
- Nonsegregated
- Nonsense
- Nonsensical
- Nonsensitive
- Nonsexual
- Nonsignificant
- Nonskid
- Nonslip
- Nonslippery
- Nonsocial
- Nonsovereign
- Nonspatial
- Nonspeaking
- Nonspecific
- Nonspherical
- Nonstandard
- Nonsteroidal
- Nonstick
- Nonstop
- Nonstructural
- Nonsubjective
- Nonsubmergible
- Nonsubmersible
- Nonsuppurative
- Nonsurgical
- Nonsweet
- Nonsyllabic
- Nonsymbiotic
- Nonsynchronous
- Nonsynthetic
- Nontaxable
- Nontechnical
- Nontelescopic
- Nontelescoping
- Nonterritorial
- Nonthermal
- Nontoxic
- Nontraditional
- Nontransferable
- Non-transferable
- Nontranslational
- Nontransmissible
- Nonturbulent
- Nonuniform
- Nonunion
- Nonunionized
- Nonuple
- Nonvenomous
- Nonverbal
- Nonviable
- Nonviolent
- Nonviscid
- Nonvisual
- Nonvolatile
- Nonvolatilizable
- Nonvoluntary
- Nonwashable
- Nonwoody
- Nordic
- Normal
- Norman
- Normative
- Normotensive
- Norse
- North
- Northbound
- Northeast
- Northeasterly
- Northeastern
- Northeastward
- Northerly
- Northern
- Northernmost
- Northmost
- Northward
- Northwest
- Northwesterly
- Northwestern
- Northwestward
- Norwegian
- Noseless
- Nosey
- Nosocomial
- Nosohusial
- Nostalgic
- Nosy
- Notable
- Noted
- Noteworthy
- Noticeable
- Noticed
- Notifiable
- Notional
- Notorious
- Nourished
- Nourishing
- Novel
- No-Win
- Noxious
- Nubbly
- Nubby
- Nubile
- Nuclear
- Nucleate
- Nucleated
- Nude
- Nugatory
- Null
- Numb
- Numberless
- Numbing
- Numerable
- Numeral
- Numerate
- Numeric
- Numerical
- Numerological
- Numerous
- Numidian
- Numinous
- Nuptial
- Nurtural
- Nurturant
- Nurturing
- Nutbrown
- Nutlike
- Nutrient
- Nutritional
- Nutritious
- Nutritive
- Nutty
- Nymphomaniac
Adjectives that Start with N to Describe a Person
- Noble – possessing high moral principles and ideals
- Nice – pleasant, kind, and friendly
- Nurturing – caring for and encouraging the growth and development of others
- Neat – tidy and well-organized
- Natural – genuine and unaffected, not artificial or forced
- Nonjudgmental – not judging or criticizing others
- Nonchalant – calm and relaxed, showing a lack of concern or enthusiasm
- Nurtured – having been given the care and attention needed to grow and develop
- Noteworthy – deserving of attention or notice
- Nutritious – providing the necessary nutrients for good health
- Noble-minded – having high moral values and a strong sense of honor
- Notable – worthy of attention or notice, remarkable or significant
- Nifty – stylish, attractive, and cleverly designed
- Nonstop – constant and uninterrupted
- Nostalgic – feeling a sentimental longing for the past
- Naive – innocent and lacking experience or knowledge of the world’s complexities
- Nonviolent – not involving or using physical force or violence
- Nervy – showing courage and determination in the face of difficulty
- Noble-hearted – having a kind and generous nature
- Natty – stylish and smart in appearance.
Adjectives that Start with N to Describe a Place
- Natural – untouched by human intervention, existing in a state of nature
- Neat – clean, tidy, and well-organized
- Noisy – full of sound and activity, often in a chaotic way
- Neglected – lacking in care or attention, often in a state of disrepair
- Nostalgic – evoking a sentimental longing for the past
- Narrow – having limited width or space
- New – recently constructed or created
- Nonchalant – relaxed and casual, showing a lack of concern or enthusiasm
- Nonstop – continuous and uninterrupted
- Nautical – related to or characteristic of the sea or ships
- Naturalistic – resembling or imitating nature, often found in art or design
- Numinous – having a spiritual or mystical quality, inspiring a sense of awe or reverence
- Noble – grand and impressive, often associated with a sense of dignity or honor
- Nutritious – providing the necessary nutrients for good health
- Noteworthy – deserving of attention or notice, remarkable or significant
- Noble-minded – having high moral values and a strong sense of honor
- Nether – located below or beneath something, often used to describe a dark or mysterious place
- Nonviolent – peaceful and not involving physical force or violence
- Nuclear – related to the nucleus or central point of something
- Navigable – able to be traveled by boat or ship.
Adjectives that Start with N to Describe Food
- Nutritious – providing the necessary nutrients for good health
- Natural – free from artificial additives or preservatives, often associated with organic foods
- Nourishing – providing sustenance and nourishment for the body
- Nutty – having a flavor or aroma similar to nuts
- Non-greasy – not oily or fatty
- Non-alcoholic – free from alcohol
- Nostalgic – evoking a sentimental longing for the past, often associated with comfort foods
- New – recently introduced or created
- Numbing – causing a temporary loss of sensation, often associated with spicy or minty flavors
- Non-dairy – free from dairy products, often used to describe vegan or lactose-free foods
- Nectarous – having a sweet and pleasant taste, often used to describe fruits or honey
- Nutrient-dense – containing a high amount of nutrients relative to its calorie content
- Nippy – having a sharp or tangy flavor, often used to describe cheese or mustard
- Non-fattening – low in calories and fat
- Nutmeggy – having a flavor similar to nutmeg, often used to describe baked goods or spiced drinks
- Nicely spiced – having a balanced and flavorful combination of spices
- Non-sugary – low in sugar or free from added sugars
- Nibbly – small and snackable, often used to describe appetizers or finger foods
- Noodle-y – having a texture similar to noodles, often used to describe soups or stews
- Nourished – having been given the necessary nutrients for good health.
Adjectives that Start with N to Describe Feelings and Emotions
- Nervous – feeling anxious or worried about something
- Nostalgic – feeling a sentimental longing for the past
- Numb – lacking sensation or feeling, often used to describe emotional detachment
- Needy – feeling a strong need for attention or support from others
- Negative – having a pessimistic or unfavorable outlook
- Nurturing – feeling caring and protective towards others
- Nifty – feeling pleased or excited about something, often used to describe a clever or innovative idea
- Nonchalant – feeling calm and relaxed, showing a lack of concern or enthusiasm
- Nauseous – feeling sick or queasy, often associated with motion sickness or food poisoning
- Numbness – a feeling of loss of sensation or emotion, often associated with shock or trauma
- Nervy – feeling bold and confident, often in the face of difficulty or danger
- Noble – feeling a sense of honor or dignity, often associated with moral principles
- Nihilistic – feeling a sense of meaninglessness or hopelessness, often associated with existential crises
- Nurtured – feeling cared for and supported, often associated with positive emotional growth and development
- Nonplussed – feeling confused or uncertain, often in response to unexpected events or situations
- Nostalgic – feeling a sentimental longing for the past, often associated with positive memories or experiences
Adjectives that Start with N with Examples
Here are 20 common adjectives that start with N along with example sentences:
- Nervous – She felt nervous before her big presentation.
- Naughty – The naughty puppy chewed up my shoes.
- Noble – The king was a noble ruler who cared for his people.
- Neat – She always keeps her desk neat and organized.
- New – I just bought a new car yesterday.
- Noisy – The construction work outside was very noisy.
- Nice – He’s such a nice guy, always willing to help others.
- Numerous – There were numerous people at the concert last night.
- Nutritious – This salad is very nutritious and good for your health.
- Nasty – The food at that restaurant was really nasty.
- Natural – The scenery in this park is so natural and beautiful.
- Narrow – The road was too narrow for two cars to pass each other.
- Negative – He always has a negative attitude about everything.
- Necessary – It’s necessary to wear a helmet when riding a bike.
- Needy – The charity helps provide for the needy in the community.
- Nifty – That’s a nifty little gadget you have there.
- Nonchalant – He was very nonchalant about the whole situation.
- Nonstop – The party was nonstop, with music and dancing all night.
- Normal – Everything seems to be back to normal after the storm.
- Notable – The artist’s work is notable for its use of color and texture.
Learn more with words that start with N in English.