100+ Adjectives Starting With N: Word List (2025)

So, you want adjectives starting with the letter N? Well, as luck would have it, we havenumerousexamples right here just for you! Whether you're anewbieto adjectives or have a few ideas but need some extra help, we've got you. Here is our collection of negative adjectives, positive adjectives, and a whole host of other awesome adjectives!

Many adjectives start with "n," but using themnaturallyin sentences can be tricky. Get it wrong, and they will be full ofnonsense.

This word list will give you some commonly used adjectives starting with the letter "n" and some unique adjectives. As always, we'll give you example sentences throughout of adjectives in laymen's words, so you can begin using them immediately!

Top 10 Most Common Adjectives Starting With N

Take a look at this list of adjectives starting with "n" word list; there will be numerous examples you will have seen before!

  • Nasty - unkind or dirty
  • Naughty - badly behaved or disobedient
  • Neat - tidy or arranged
  • Negative - opposite of positive; pessimistic.
  • New - opposite of old, up-to-date, or modern
  • Newbie - someone whose not experienced in a new activity
  • Nice - pleasant, pleasurable, and enjoyable
  • Nosy - curious about other situations
  • Numerous - many, lots of
  • Nurturing - caring, protecting, or taking care of

Example Sentences

  • The music is so noisy! Let’s leave.
  • This sweater is nice.
  • I’m feeling quite negative about my upcoming job interview.

Unique Adjectives That Start With N

We're going to kick it off with a collection of adjectives starting with "n" that you may not have seen before.

  • Namibian - describing native inhabitants of Namibia
  • Nasopharyngeal - the upper section of the pharynx
  • Nebulose - hazy or someone that is unclear
  • Nefarious - criminal, wicked, evil, or criminal activity
  • Nephrotoxic - damage to the kidney
  • Nestorian - a Christian sect that believes Jesus existed as two people
  • Neuroendocrine - cells related to particular body functions
  • Nidifugous - young birds leaving the nest after being born

Example Sentences

  • We are Namibian; we come from Namibia.
  • They have a very nebulous outlook on the future.

Nifty Collection Of Adjectives Starting With N

Here are some excellent adjectives that start with "n" that are less commonly used in everyday language.

  • Niffy - attractive or cool
  • Nightmarish - nightmare or something scary
  • Nilpotent - an amount that equals to zero when given power
  • Nimble - quick, agile, quick-thinking, or alert
  • Nimble-minded - quick thinking, clever, or intelligent
  • Nodular - a nodular form, unshapely, or a particular shape
  • Nodulose - superlative of nodular
  • Noetic - derives from the Greek adjective noētikos, which means intellectual and magical

Example Sentences

  • You're brilliant, and I admire your noetic abilities.
  • When I'm studying, I like to think I'm nimble-minded.
  • My dog is highly nimble.

Numerous Adjectives That Start With N

This word list is not exhaustive, and there are bound to be some you've encountered. However, it's expected that you forget which ones to use with time. So, we encourage you to write down the ones you may have forgotten!


You can use these descriptive adjectives starting with "n" to express the qualities of people.

  • Naive - gullible, easily influenced, or inexperienced
  • Narcissistic - a character trait; selfish or self-centered
  • Native - a person born or brought up in a particular place
  • Needy - requiring something from someone, insecure
  • Neglectful - careless, uncaring
  • Negligent - careless, failing to follow specific codes of practice
  • Neighborly - being helpful, kind, being a good neighbor
  • Newborn - a baby, a baby who's just been born
  • Nomadic - wanderer, living like a nomad
  • Nervy - nervous, tense, or anxious
  • Neurotic - neurosis, anxiety, or nerves
  • Nitwitted - silly, stupid, foolish
  • Nobel - someone you respect for their accolades or admire
  • Noisy - loud
  • Naked - without clothes
  • Neutral - not choosing sides, indifferent
  • Nostalgic - content or wistful feelings about the past or past situation. A nostalgic person


These are also descriptive adjectives, but they help you to identify specific characteristics of feelings, senses, and objects.

  • Narrow - opposite of wide
  • Navy blue - a dark blue color
  • Needless - unnecessary, not important
  • Nestled - cozy, warm, comfortable
  • Nocturnal - active at nighttime
  • Noteworthy - important, essential
  • Nourishing - nutrition or something that is healthy
  • Novel - original, interesting
  • Noiseless - without noise, silent or very quiet
  • Null - zero, illegal, and invalid


This list of adjectives starting with the letter "n" fits into its own category!

  • Newsworthy - interesting, notable, and significantly important to report on
  • Ninth - a numerical number, 9
  • Nominal - title, role, or status in name only
  • Normal - expected, typical, adhering to standards and angles
  • Normative - standard of normality or conforming
  • North - direction
  • Northern - living in the north of a country (northerner), a place in the north
  • Nutty - tasting like nuts or a playful adjective replacing crazy

Checkpoint ✔️
Drag the meaning to the corresponding positive adjective.

Someone you respect for their accolades or admire.

Something original or interesting.

Something interesting, notable, and significantly important to report on.

Being helpful or kind.


drop one card here

Someone you respect for their accolades or admire.

Something original or interesting.

Something interesting, notable, and significantly important to report on.


drop one card here

Someone you respect for their accolades or admire.

Something original or interesting.

Something interesting, notable, and significantly important to report on.

Being helpful or kind.


drop one card here

Someone you respect for their accolades or admire.

Something original or interesting.

Something interesting, notable, and significantly important to report on.

Being helpful or kind.


drop one card here

Someone you respect for their accolades or admire.

Something original or interesting.

Something interesting, notable, and significantly important to report on.

Adjectives That Start With Non

Here are adjectives that begin with "-non."

  • Noncentric - not having a center, not central
  • Nonchalant - without anxiety, calm, relaxed
  • Noncivilized - rude, not adhering to civilized norms; uncivilized
  • Noncombustible - not able to be set alight with flames; inflammable
  • Noncompetitive - opposite of competitive
  • Nonprofit - charity or organizations working without making a profit
  • Nonsensical - without sense or has no meaning

Adjectives That Start With N And Contain A Hyphen

These "n" adjectives fall into their own category because they contain "-non" and a hyphen.

  • Narrow-minded - someone who doesn't see the whole picture or others' point of view
  • Nation-wide - across country, national, state
  • Non-verbal - not using words to communicate
  • Non-assertive - not standing up for oneself
  • Non-aged - youthful, young, minor
  • No-frills - simple; without unnecessary extras
  • Non-absorbent - unabsorbent, cannot take liquids
  • Non-alcoholic - doesn't contain alcohol
  • Non-arbitrary - intentional or acting without thought
  • Non-causative - not causing something or being the cause of something
  • Non-committed - non-committal or lacking in commitment
  • Nondescript - doesn't have interesting features
  • Non-essential - unnecessary
  • Non-restrictive - not restrictive, or a grammar clause giving more information about noun phrases
  • Non-stop - without stopping
  • Non-abrasive - hard or rough
  • Non-adjacent - not nearby or not next to
  • Non-Absorptive - opposite of absorbent and resistant

Checkpoint ✔️
Drag the meaning to the corresponding negative adjective.

Something that's unnecessary

A character trait; selfish or self-centered.

Something that doesn't make sense or has no meaning.

Someone who doesn't see the whole picture or others' point of view.


drop one card here

Something that's unnecessary

A character trait; selfish or self-centered.

Something that doesn't make sense or has no meaning.

Someone who doesn't see the whole picture or others' point of view.


drop one card here

Something that's unnecessary

A character trait; selfish or self-centered.

Something that doesn't make sense or has no meaning.

Someone who doesn't see the whole picture or others' point of view.


drop one card here

Something that's unnecessary

A character trait; selfish or self-centered.

Something that doesn't make sense or has no meaning.

Someone who doesn't see the whole picture or others' point of view.


drop one card here

Something that's unnecessary

A character trait; selfish or self-centered.

Something that doesn't make sense or has no meaning.

Someone who doesn't see the whole picture or others' point of view.

Example Sentences With Adjectives Starting With N

Look at our example sentences to see how you, too, can fit adjectives starting with "n" into your casual writing assignments.

  • My daughter is non-verbal, so we've decided to start speech and language therapy.
  • This letter is nonsensical, and it doesn't make any sense.
  • I live in the north of the city.
  • This drink is non-alcoholic.
  • Wow, you're being so narcissistic. You only think about yourself!
  • He's a very neighborly person. He's always helping others.
  • It's not uncommon to find newsworthy information.

Positive And Negative Adjectives

Flip the flashcard to see the examples.

Nimbly Navigate Our Word List

And there we have it! All the adjectives you need to know that start with "n." We hope you've learned some new ones and refreshed your memory on the ones you knew already. Use these awesome adjectives for casual writing or when you've got something more academic to write.

We have many grammar and learning tools to help you, so why not check them out?

Word Lists for Elementary

  • Adjectives Start With M
  • Rhyming Words For Kids
  • N Words For Kids
  • Adjectives That Start With P
  • Adjectives That Start With A

More Adjective Topics:

  • Adjectives
  • Proper Adjectives
  • Superlative Adjectives
  • Comparative Adjectives
  • Adjective Gradability
  • Cumulative Adjectives
  • Adjectives That Start With M
  • Adjectives That Start With E
  • Positive Adjectives
100+ Adjectives Starting With N: Word List (2025)


100+ Adjectives Starting With N: Word List? ›

Here are some adjectives that start with N you can use to describe a person. Naïve (definition: innocent and unaffected) Naked (definition: not wearing clothes) Nameless (definition: without a name) Narcissistic (definition: self-centered and egotistical)

What is an adjective that starts with an n? ›

Here are some adjectives that start with N you can use to describe a person. Naïve (definition: innocent and unaffected) Naked (definition: not wearing clothes) Nameless (definition: without a name) Narcissistic (definition: self-centered and egotistical)

What are positive personality adjectives starting with N? ›

Some of the most used positive & impactful words with N to describe someone include nice, noble, nurturing, noteworthy, nifty, neat, nondiscriminatory, nonpartisan, neighborly, and numinous. There are a few hundred of these nifty words, ranging from 4 to 20 characters in length.

What powerful words start with n? ›

Some of the most used positive & impactful words that start with the letter N include nurturing, noteworthy, noble, nourish, and novel; and some of the most interesting words include nirvana, nostalgia, and nonchalant. There are many hundreds of these nifty words, ranging from 2 to 20 characters in length.

What is a trait that starts with n? ›

Some of the most used positive & impactful adjectives that start with the letter N include nurturing, novel, noteworthy, noble, natural, numinous, nifty, neat, navigable, and nondiscriminatory. There are many hundreds of these nifty words, ranging from 3 to 20 characters in length.

What positive adjectives start with an N to describe a person? ›

List of things that start with N
5 more rows

What are some lovely words with the letter n? ›

Positive words that start with N
  • nice.
  • noble.
  • nifty.
  • neat.
  • nimble.
  • nonpareil.
  • noteworthy.
  • novel.
Oct 10, 2023

What is a cool word that starts with n? ›

nacreousof or resembling mother-of-pearl
nadirlowest point; point diametrically opposite the sun
naevousspotted; freckled
168 more rows

What is a positive noun that starts with N? ›

More Positive Nouns That Start With Letter N
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What are some smart words that start with n? ›

Full list of words from this list:
  • nadir. the lowest point of anything. ...
  • naive. marked by or showing unaffected simplicity. ...
  • naivete. lack of sophistication or worldliness. ...
  • narcissist. someone who is excessively self-centered. ...
  • narrative. consisting of or characterized by the telling of a story. ...
  • nascent. ...
  • nationalism. ...
  • native.

What are 10 nice words? ›

Examples of positive words include “love,” “hope,” “joy,” “gratitude,” “kindness,” “optimism,” “success,” “inspiration,” “confidence,” “harmony,” “laughter,” “appreciation,” and many others. These words are often used to encourage, support, or uplift someone's mood, thoughts, or attitudes.

What is a positive word for the day? ›

Positive Words Vocab List
  • faith. noun. confidence or trust in a person or thing.
  • opportunity. noun. a situation or condition favorable for attainment of a goal.
  • undaunted. adjective. undiminished in courage or valor.
  • joy. noun. ...
  • wonder. verb (used without object). ...
  • acceptance. noun. ...
  • optimism. noun. ...
  • confidence. noun.

What is the personality trait of N? ›

Name starts with N Personality: People whose name starts with the letter N are known for their creativity, intuitiveness, and ability to think outside the box. They are often perceived as deep thinkers and have a strong desire for knowledge and understanding.

What are positive adjectives that start with N? ›

The most common positive words that start with the letter 'n' include: nice, novel, noble, nourishing, nurturing, notable and noble-minded.

What is an adjective with n? ›

You can use these descriptive adjectives starting with "n" to express the qualities of people. Naive - gullible, easily influenced, or inexperienced. Narcissistic - a character trait; selfish or self-centered. Native - a person born or brought up in a particular place. Needy - requiring something from someone, insecure.

What is a funny word that starts with N to describe a person? ›

Funny Adjectives That Start With the Letter N

Nonsensical – Lacking sense or meaning. Naive – Showing a lack of experience or wisdom. Nitpicky – Overly concerned with small details. Nervous – Easily agitated or anxious, creating amusing situations.

What is a 7 letter word that starts with N? ›

7 letter words that start with N
  • nabbers.
  • nabbing.
  • nacelle.
  • nadiral.
  • naffing.
  • naganas.
  • naggers.
  • naggier.

What words can you make with N? ›

  • nail (verb)
  • nail.
  • naked (adjective)
  • name (noun)
  • name (verb)
  • narrow (adjective)
  • nation (noun)
  • national (adjective)

What is a six letter word that starts with N? ›

6-letter words starting with N
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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.